Color System

A closer description to Namirial’s official color palette.

What is the aim?

Basically we provide our main software solutions white labeled, which means we want to stick to Black/White/Gray and add an accent color which can be exchanged by any company if they want to. Our new accent color is Teal with stands for nature and sustainability, which highlights the mission of Namirial. Making business greener.

For eCommerce, Social Marketing and Employer Branding we use Teal in richer way, which makes us more visible as a company. 

For Namirial’s Vertical Solution Products (VSP) we use Sandstone as additional color.

Check out the up to date color palette here: Official Color Palette on Figma

Last update on 8.11.2023

Color codes for copy/paste

Basic colors

Black (UI darkest)


RGB: 17, 24, 32

CMYK: 47, 25, 0, 87

White (UI lightest)


RGB: 255, 255, 255

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Accent color



RGB: 0, 166, 157

CMYK: 100, 0, 5, 35

Accent Gray


RGB: 230, 238, 238

CMYK: 3, 0, 0, 7

Teal dark 20


RGB: 0, 133, 126

CMYK: 100, 0, 5, 48

Teal dark 40


RGB: 0, 100, 94

CMYK: 100, 0, 6, 61

Teal dark 60


RGB: 0, 66, 63

CMYK: 100, 0, 5, 74

Teal light 20


RGB: 51, 184, 177

CMYK: 72, 0, 4, 28

Teal light 50


RGB: 128, 211, 206

CMYK: 39, 0, 2, 17

Teal light 80


RGB: 204, 237, 235

CMYK: 14, 0, 1, 7


Gray base (neutral)


RGB: 53, 54, 74

CMYK: 28, 27, 0, 71

Gray light 16


RGB: 85, 86, 103

CMYK: 17, 17, 0, 60

Gray light 47


RGB: 148, 148, 159

CMYK: 7, 7, 0, 38

Gray light 75


RGB: 205, 205, 210

CMYK: 2, 2, 0, 18

Gray light 80


RGB: 235, 235, 237

CMYK: 1, 1, 0, 7

Gray light 96


RGB: 247, 247, 248

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 3


The Secondary color shades “Sandstone” are used as additional colors when Namirial is speaking about its Vertical Solution Products (VSP).

Sandstone base


RGB: 231, 219, 195

CMYK: 0, 5, 16, 9

Sandstone light


RGB: 251, 248, 241

CMYK: 0, 1, 4, 2

Sandstone dark


RGB: 104, 98, 88

CMYK: 0, 6, 15, 59


Success base


RGB: 5, 110, 75

CMYK: 95, 0, 32, 57

Success light


RGB: 205, 226, 219

CMYK: 9, 0, 3, 11

Success dark


RGB: 4, 88, 60

CMYK: 95, 0, 32, 65

Info base


RGB: 0, 94, 140

CMYK: 100, 33, 0, 45

Info light


RGB: 204, 223, 232

CMYK: 12, 4, 0, 9

Info dark


RGB: 0, 75, 112

CMYK: 100, 33, 0, 56

Warning base


RGB: 198, 80, 21

CMYK: 0, 60, 89, 22

Warning light


RGB: 244, 220, 208

CMYK: 0, 10, 15, 4

Warning dark


RGB: 158, 64, 17

CMYK: 0, 59, 89, 38

Error base


RGB: 181, 6, 0

CMYK: 0, 97, 100, 29

Error light


RGB: 240, 205, 204

CMYK: 0, 15, 15, 6

Error dark


RGB: 145, 5, 0

CMYK: 0, 97, 100, 43

Brand Gradients

Light Breeze

Accent gray


RGB: 230, 238, 238

CMYK: 3, 0, 0, 7

Gray light 96


RGB: 247, 247, 248

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 3

linear-gradient(102.44deg, #E6EEEE 16.2%, #F7F7F8 84.55%)

Less Variable: @theme-light-breeze

Dark Ground

Gray base


RGB: 53, 54, 74

CMYK: 28, 27, 0, 71



RGB: 17, 24, 32

CMYK: 47, 25, 0, 87

linear-gradient(102.44deg, #35364A 16.2%, #111820 84.55%)

Less Variable: @theme-dark-ground

Light Ground

Gray light 96


RGB: 247, 247, 248

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 3

Gray light 80


RGB: 235, 235, 237

CMYK: 1, 1, 0, 7

linear-gradient(102.44deg, #F7F7F8 16.2%, #EBEBED 84.55%)

Less Variable: @theme-light-ground

Dark Ocean

Teal dark 40


RGB: 0, 100, 94

CMYK: 100, 0, 6, 61

Teal dark 20


RGB: 0, 133, 126

CMYK: 100, 0, 5, 48

linear-gradient(102.44deg, #00645E 16.2%, #00857E 84.55%)

Less Variable: @theme-dark-ocean

Dark Wave

Teal dark 60


RGB: 0, 66, 63

CMYK: 100, 0, 5, 74

Gray base


RGB: 53, 54, 74

CMYK: 28, 27, 0, 71

linear-gradient(102.44deg, #00423F 16.2%, #35364A 84.55%)

Less Variable: @theme-dark-wave

Light Ocean

Teal light 20


RGB: 51, 184, 177

CMYK: 72, 0, 4, 28

Teal light 50


RGB: 128, 211, 206

CMYK: 39, 0, 2, 17

linear-gradient(102.44deg, #33B8B1 16.2%, #80D3CE 84.55%)

Less Variable: @theme-light-ocean

NameStarting ColorEnding ColorCSSLESS variablePreview
Light BreezeAccent gray #E6EEEEGray light 90 #F8F8F7linear-gradient(102.44deg, #E6EEEE 16.2%, #F8F8F7 84.55%)@theme-light-breeze
Dark GroundGray base #35364ABlack #111820linear-gradient(102.44deg, #35364A 16.2%, #111820 84.55%)@theme-dark-ground
Light GroundGray light 90 #F8F8F7Gray light 80 #EBEBEDlinear-gradient(102.44deg, #F8F8F7 16.2%, #EBEBED 84.55%)@theme-light-ground
Dark OceanTeal dark 40 #00645ETeal dark 20 #00857Elinear-gradient(102.44deg, #00645E 16.2%, #00857E 84.55%)@theme-dark-ocean
Dark WaveTeal dark 60 #00423FGray base #35364Alinear-gradient(102.44deg, #00423F 16.2%, #35364A 84.55%)@theme-dark-wave
Light OceanTeal light 20 #33B8B1Teal light 50 #80D3CElinear-gradient(102.44deg, #33B8B1 16.2%, #80D3CE 84.55%)@theme-light-ocean
Dark Stone Wall (VSP)Sandstone dark #686258Black #111820linear-gradient(180deg, #686258 0%, #111820 100%);@theme-dark-stone-wall
Light Stone Wall (VSP)Sandstone
 #E7DBC3Sandstone Light
 linear-gradient(102.44deg, #E7DBC3 16.2%, #FBF8F1 84.55%)@theme-light-stone-wall

How to use the color palette? (Real life examples)

Brand Colors

  • Used for logo design, typography, icons, graphics and highlighting UI elements

Basic Colors

  • Used in common context, for texts and backgrounds


  • Used for typography, backgrounds and functional UI elements

Functional Colors

  • Used for status messages like notifications, errors, warnings and success messages. In general colors should follow basic color conventions, like green for success, blue for info/help, orange for warning, red for errors. 

Gradient Backgrounds

  • Used for highlighting backgrounds and graphical work

Additional colors

  • Used to differentiate in terms various context. Namirial invented the additional color shade ‘Sandstone’ for the Vertical Solutions, like Gestionali (HR software). Mainly used to differ in backgrounds and for icons.

Accessibility of Color

Color Contrast Check 

  • Normal text, text in images and important elements without texts (e.g. Icons) requires a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 (Level AA). For larger text starting from 18pt or 14pt bold a ratio of 3:0:1 is required. WCAG 2.0 – 1.4.3
  • Graphics and user interface components (such as form input borders) requires a contrast ratio of at least 3:0:1. WCAG 2.1 – 1.4.11
  • Excluded from color contrast requirements are mouse-over and interactive elements, which are not restricted to understand the UI or disabled. 

Tools for checking contrast color:

  • Chrome color picker in the developer tool

Color Blindness

Color Naming 

The goal is to achieve a aligned communication about colors. So that each team, Designers, Developers and Marketing is aware of Namirial’s color names. Therefore some points are relevant to know:

  • Considering color variants with 10 – 100 mixing tone (black) and tint (white). More flexible due to more variants of one color. 
  • Name the colors what it is than what it looks like to be independent from color names. So avoid color names like purple and find additional wordings, which is more descriptive, like base, accent, neutral, light, dark, error, success, info, warning, gradient. 
  • The naming for technical purpose consists of theme(prefix)-colordescription-colorvariant. E.g. theme-accent-light-20
    • Use instead Black – “UI darkest” 
    • Use instead White – “UI lightest”
    • Use instead Gray – “Neutral”
    • Use instead Teal – “Accent”
  •  See complete naming list below:

 Naming List

/*Basic Colors*/
/*Used in common context, for texts and backgrounds*/
@theme-ui-lightest: #ffffff; 
@theme-ui-darkest: #111820;

/*Brand Colors*/
/*Used for typography, buttons, icons, graphics and highlighting UI elements*/
@theme-accent-base: #00a69d; 
@theme-accent-light-20: #33b8b1; 
@theme-accent-light-50: #80d3ce; 
@theme-accent-dark-60: #00423f;
@theme-accent-dark-20: #00857e; 
@theme-accent-dark-40: #00645e; 
@theme-accent-light-80: #ccedeb;
@theme-accent-neutral: #E6EEEE; 

/*Used for typography, icons, backgrounds and functional UI elements */

/*Functional Colors*/
/*Used for status messages like notifications, errors, warnings and success messages*/

/*Gradiant Backgrounds*/
/*Used for highlighting backgrounds and graphical work*/
@theme-dark-ground: linear-gradient(102.44deg, #35364A 16.2%, #111820 84.55%);
@theme-dark-wave: linear-gradient(102.44deg, #00423F 16.2%, #35364A 84.55%);
@theme-dark-ocean: linear-gradient(102.44deg, #00645E 16.2%, #00857E 84.55%);
@theme-light-breeze: linear-gradient(102.44deg, #E6EEEE 16.2%, #F8F8F7 84.55%);
@theme-light-ground: linear-gradient(102.44deg, #F8F8F7 16.2%, #EBEBED 84.55%);
@theme-light-ocean: linear-gradient(102.44deg, #33B8B1 16.2%, #80D3CE 84.55%);